Training Simulator for Shooting Sports, Entertainment  & Tactical Applications

The PRO model includes everything in the SPORT model plus:

  • Ti Training Software, Instructor-Led Use-of-Force Interactive Software
  • 360+ Law Enforcement Based Use-of-Force and Personal Protection Training Scenarios.
  • 2 additional VRG Blue Inert Pistols (4 total)
  • Ti Review and Post Scenario Report Generating Software
  • Ti Advanced Debrief Application
  • Picture in Picture Review Software
  • PIP (Picture in Picture) Camera and software with audio and color video
  • Low Light training option, including camera hardware, scenario software, and 1 Infrared Flashlight
  • Onsite Visit with Ti Tech (1-day)


This model is perfect for educating and training shooters of all ages and skill levels. From basic techniques to the most advanced, it has the capabilities of offering new and challenging scenarios to meet the needs of you and your customers. Adding this shooting simulator to your existing classes is a great way to increase participation as well as retention of the information. 

As the instructor, the software enables you the ability to add your own information in any PDF, jpeg, Word Doc or video file, right into the simulator. So you can run a scenario, then pull up supporting documents or applicable case law to offer a deeper level of education. This easy to use system can become an integral part of your instruction and classes.

Marksmanship Training

No matter what someone is shooting, whether it is targets, big game or in self-defense; good marksmanship is paramount. Using this system shooting enthusiasts and professional marksman can practice using dry fire and recoil weapons on static, moving and interactive targets. The multiple training modes include the ability to evaluate each shot to improve the shooter’s abilities. The Picture-in-Picture feature improves analysis and video playback of the post scenario debrief. 

We have all heard the old saying “Practice makes perfect” and this has never been more true than when it comes to shooting. With the Gunfighter Pro you can teach everything from the proper stance, grip, shooting positions, target acquisition, weapon malfunctions, off-hand shooting… the list goes on and on. Not only is this an effective training tool at the individual level, it is extremely effective in a classroom setting. It truly is the perfect training tool!

Included Features:

PiP - Recording and Playback of Trainee

The student’s actions are recorded during the training session by a video camera. This footage, with audio, is then available for playback, picture in picture format, synchronized with the scenario. This allows the instructor and the student to view what actually occurred during the session removing any guesswork. 

Low Light / Flashlight

These systems allow for the use of actual flashlights (covered with special filters). The instructor can set any lighting level for the scenario forcing the use of a flashlight to light up the portion of the screen that the student wants to see. Multiple flashlights can be used. This does not affect the use of any laser device. See demo video here.

Training Overview Video

Why Shooting Simulator Training?

Simulation based training is achieved by putting yourself in real life simulated situations to become a better shooter. The Training Software Pack offers the most effective, safe and practical way to teach and evaluate shooting competency and knowledge retention. In addition, the virtual firing range is so enjoyable to shoot on that people tend to accrue much more trigger time reinforcing their skills. 

This kind of training is so effective because when you combine performing physical tasks and cognitive processing in environments that are similar to the real world, a shooter naturally improves proficiency and judgement. Only through the use of this system can this kind of learning via direct virtual experience achieve the same kind of benefits that real life experiences would normally provide, at a fraction of the cost. 

In addition to providing real life situations and scenarios our shooting simulators offer increased training benefits through the use of teatherless weaponry. Mobility is a key component in firearms training, all of our systems offer the ability to use a multitude of weapons, while being 100% mobile. This simulator provides an effective, relevant and realistic learning environment for shooters.

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